


Herr Pierre Celestin Muragijeyezu (35)

31226 Peine



Englisch Deutsch Französisch Kinyarwanda



Gesundheit Logistik Lebensmittel Industrie Wissenschaft Handel



Gesundheit Logistik Lebensmittel Industrie Wissenschaft


Ausbildung (Fachrichtung):

Animal Sciences

Höchster Abschluss:

Master's degree



Ich arbeite derzeit mit einem hri-Mentor




My name is Pierre Celestin Muragijeyezu, I am from Rwanda. I am living in Peine

I have Master's degree in Animal Science/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in Sweden. Graduated in March, 2020. I am speaking English, French fluently, I am now learning Deutsch at the Volkshochschule.

I conducted various laboratory works and much school fieldworks within Swedish Livestock Research Center and Swedish Farms. I addition, I provided assistance to large animal expertise such as animal nutrition and management, animal health, animal welfare and behavior, animal environment and housing system at New Vision Veterinary Hospital in Rwanda.

I am looking for job which is relevant to me and/or PhD position opportunity. But I can also work with the various field of jobs in different services.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,

Pierre Celestin Muragijeyezu

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